Sociology song

Strange is the change they're trying to arrange today in sociology. Fanatics in their attics are learning mathematics, just for sociology. Persuasion by equation, they all feel it's much more satisfactory. They, in an ivory steeple far away from all people, they do research in sociology. Guys who wrote lies, now present them in disguise. A cinch in sociology. Attract quite abstract, without one single fact. Disblended sociology. Birds who used words, now all talk in terms of X and Y and Z. They can take one small matrix and really do great tricks. All in the name of sociology. Joes, who wrote prose, now write algebra, who knows? it may be sociology. They're everywhere, full of Sigma and Chi squared, and full of sociology. They consult, sounding occult, talking like a Mathematics PhD. They can snow all their clients by calling it science. Although it's only sociology.

♫ Hear It Now! ♫


Sí señoras y señores, mañana integradora de Sociología... Muchos Marx's, Weber's, Durkheim's, Santos Simones, y demás sociologos que honestamente, hubieran hecho otras cosas en vez de pensar en estas teorías que realmente no me interesan! como conclusión... estamos hasta las manos!

No quiero extenderme con más criticas hacia esta materia, porque el post seria muy largo, pero todos ya saben cómo es mi opinión a esto... lo voy a resumir en tres palabras:

Sociology fucks off!

1 wanted to talk:

Kalab Kalash dijo...

una mierda, me kiero volver chango igual la foto (H) jajajaja un genio ;P ajjajaja no tengo ganas de estudiar la verdad u.u un embole encima me pitno el sueño y no kiero dormirrr

la cancion tan oportuna :P jajajaja

te mando un beso nicoo :D
y boludeamos por msn un ratito aunke sea